I’m Clément Prod'homme, a Technical lead working at Vizzuality.

I lead the development of interactive React.js web applications focused on environmental issues such as climate change and biodiversity loss. Most of them involve data visualisations and maps. I'm also the co-founder of the internal sustainability group which organises regular talks and activities during the yearly company retreat.

Through experience, I've learnt that quality code revolves around maintainability, which can be achieved by breaking down problems, and writing legible and minimal solutions.

I’m a fast learner and I'm always eager to increase my knowledge. It keeps me motivated.

If you feel like getting to know me, write me an email at contact@clementprodhomme.fr.

Recent projects


Platform aggregating soil carbon data, analysis, and land management solutions

HeCo Invest

Collaborative platform to finance projects contributing to the conservation of the Amazon Basin


Catalogue of reforestation projects ranked by transparency


Open data platform of ecological insights for the global restoration movement



since Feb 2015

Lead medium to large size projects with a focus on quality

2022-01 Technical lead

2019-02 Senior front-end engineer

2015-08 Front-end engineer

2015-02 Front-end intern

Involution Studios

3 months (from Jun 2014)

Built a dynamic visualisation for Invo's blog and a prototype to compare Massachusetts' hospitals

2014-06 Front-end intern
